This is one of his new things he likes to do, tuck his bottom lip under his top. Maybe he get's it from my mom (that's just for her to understand).
Such a happy boy!
Check out them shoulder muscles!
If this isn't an "I didn't just pee without my diaper on" face I don't know what is?!
This is my sister, Rachel, with preppy Jack at a high school soccer game.
Up close and personal! Yes, it looks like his eyes will be brown.
Me and my tired boy.
Dada is reading the Bible to his boy. You can never start too early! :) (Apparently Jack likes Isaiah.)
The attack of the killer lady bugs.
I let it sit there for a little while so he would learn to be braver than me when it comes to bugs. That's just one of the things boys gotta be, bug warriors. I don't think he even noticed it!
Jack, holdin' down the fort and sportin' his new outfit from Aunt Meghan. (The horizontal stripes make him look fatter than he really is...he wanted me to tell you that.)
Don't worry, Meg, this is purely a platonic relationship (this is Sylvia, our next door neighbor). If you've ever been to my house you probably know Sylvia. Jack looks a little worried doesn't he.
This is Sylvia taking a picture of us. (She's a bit of an artist.)
This shot was captured by a 5 year old in the neighborhood. Incidentally her name is Jessica too!
And for those who were wondering, my birthday was wonderful. It's turned into a bit of a birthday week. Kris took me out for ice cream and a Mint Condition (my favorite) from Caribou Coffee last night, and also brought home a dozen beautiful roses. Here they are adorning our kitchen table. (Don't worry mom, I eventually added more colorful foods to the plates.)
This Friday night he's taking me out for our first date without Jack (thanks Cara!) to finish the birthday week. I'm trying to get the surprise of where we're going out of him, but I'm not usually successful. He's not as leaky as me when it comes to those sorts of things. Until then, I wait with baited breath (I don't really know what that means, I've just heard it said before. In fact, I don't even know if I spelled it correctly!)
I love the picture of Jack with you (in the pink shirt); you're so beautiful. I love that you can see a personality developing in the kid already - not surprising considering who is momma is. :)
Hope you have a wonderful birthday surprise on Friday!
(miss you!!)
I love the expression on Jack's face as Kris is reading the Bible to him. It's too cute!
As far as "baited breath" goes, it's actually supposed to be "bated" instead. Go here if you want to get a short summary of this phrase's history:
Have a happy Friday birthday celebration! :)
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