Thursday, January 24, 2008

Goofy Boy

Our little guy is turning into more of a little ham. Recently his new trick is to look at you from the side (see pic below). We don't know why, but there's something about it that's contagious.

His teeth are also becoming a bit more obvious. In this lovely picture below he's actually singing me a beautiful song...he's definitely not angry at me for relentlessly taking pictures of him.

As you know he also loves to read. He got a hold of a very special book the other day. It's called The Dangerous Book for Boys. It is filled with tons of ideas for him and Daddy to do together, as well as practical tips.

Kris was reading through it a couple days ago and took the liberty of adding his own commentary as he highlighted the "Essential Gear" for boys listed on the first page. Here it is as I recall...

1. Swiss Army Knife
Kris: I need to get one of those.
Me: You have one.
Kris: I do?

2. Compass
Kris: Ah, this couldn't be more true. It's always good to know where North is.

3. Handkerchief
Book: There are many uses for a piece of cloth, from preventing smoke inhalation or helping with a nosebleed to offering one to a girl when she cries. Big ones can even be made into slings. They're worth having.
Kris: I think it's funny they didn't even mention blowing your nose.

7. Pencil and Paper
Book: If you see a crime and want to write down a license plate number or a description, you are going to need one. Alternatively, it works for shopping lists or practically anything.
Kris: If you see a crime?!

I have a feeling Kris and Jack are in for some good times. The next section is on "The Greatest Paper Airplane in the World". As soon as Jack understands English they'll be off to the races.


RKP said...

Do you think Jack would sing me a song?

My favorite Kris response was about knowing North... haha.

Renee said...

It's obvious that Jack is becoming a little "ham" because of his father. His mother would never act like that.