Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Inching Closer

Jack has a secret. He's pretty sure he wants to marry Meg Wilcox, but since he can't talk he just dotes on her in private and does his best to impress her when they're together. Take for example a recent visit. His first move was to drool all over himself (he thought she would definitely be impressed with the amount of drool he could work up because she's pretty good at that too!).

His next move was to sit up on the couch with her, pretending to be interested in something else, but all the while plotting his next move.

And finally, after a little help from Mommy, he moved as close as he could without giving it all away.

Aren't they cute together?!

1 comment:

Cara said...

Counting chickens...

You do realize that our kids will be able to read these posts for themselves in a few years, don't you? I think maybe we need to change tactics. Start doing posts that say, "Meg and Jack will NEVER marry each other, but they're really good friends." You know, reverse psychology, or something like that. :)